Sunday, 16 September 2012

UPDATE | I'm back.

Hello guys,

I know I haven't updated my blog or for so long. I'm really sorry. I wasn't able to concentrate on my blog as I had to prepare everything for school, GCSE results and a levels choices. Right now, I settled down and already started my work, however now that I know what my lessons are and what times I have to study I can concentrate on improving my blog and make it better.

My thought:

My dear friend who is madly in love in fashion and wish to be a famous fashion designer had an opportunity to go to London fashion week yesterday. Sadly, I wasn't able to go because of my personal problems. However, I will be jealous for the rest of my life that she could go and I couldnt. Well, not exactly she was not allowed to enter any of the exhibitions as she does not possess a blog which have more that 1000 views per day. So, my goal for next year is to attend London fashion week, we're my blog will have more 1000 views per day. I know it will be a hard journey as I will have my studies and school work, which is going to be a massive challenge as I want to attend psychology university. As my mum always says: Hard work, always pays off. 

I hope everyone had amazing summer and I wish you all the best in your alevels, uni or work and I will speak to you all as soon as possible. 

Klaudsiia x

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